Happy 2017

Hi Everyone, Hope you all had a great Christmas  and New Year Holiday. We are back and all on board for the year. Having a break has refreshed us and we are looking forward to 2017.

Murdoch is working on a new book, so is being kept busy in his office. Will let you know more about the book later, top secret at the moment.....

We have all of the Simon Shuker Code crackers available including the NEW Volume 13.

Also don't forget the Take 5 puzzle book that Simon has, something different to add to your puzzle library.

We have had great success with our social media and online website sales. Viking Sevenseas is selling now on Trade Me . We have all of our products listed here, if you can't find anything, let us know.

Like our Facebook page too!


and follow us on Twitter



Talk soon

Carmen and Murdoch


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