NEW Simon Shuker Code Cracker - Volume 14 due out soon

It is that time of year again when Simon puts out his new Code Cracker! Bright purple and ready to send out on Monday September 11. His code crackers are always a best seller in most bookshops. They also feature in all the major newspapers throughout New Zealand daily. Keep an eye out for the Volume 14 on the website. We have all of the other Volumes from 1 to 13 as well. Perfect gift for Fathers Day!
Just a reminder that we also have the TAKE5 Puzzle book that is in the NZ Listener every week. This is a puzzle that is slightly different from the Code Cracker. Below is an example of the puzzle.
Let us know if you need anymore information,
Take care
Carmen and Murdoch

1 comment

  • Can you please email me all the books of Simon Shuker code crackers that are available.


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