As told by Ø.M Andresen. Translated by Johan Bonnevie
(B123) ISBN 9780854671236
BOOK TYPE: Paperback (Perfect bind)
DIMENSIONS: 127mm X 198mm
PAGES: 284
Based on a true story...the year is 1873 and Johanna is about to leave her home country Norway with her family for far-off New Zealand. She joins a group of assisted immigrants who dream of escaping the poverty and hardships of their home country at that time. Their hopes are high, but they soon find themselves in a similar poverty trap. The land tracts granted them by the government are in rough country, in dense bush, and have to be cleared in their weekend time since the menfolk are working during the week for the government to pay for their ship passage. This is the settlement that in the fullness of time become known as Norsewood. A place that still values its connections to the home country.