New Simon Shuker Code-Cracker and Quizword and 2 new book releases.

January 2019... Let's go!

January 2019... Let's go!

Hi Everyone and Happy New Year! It is Summer time here in New Zealand, the flax is flowering and the sun is shining but we seem to have had a lot ...
New Zealand Bird Song Clock

New Zealand Bird Song Clock

  Just to let you know that at the moment the New Zealand Bird Song Clock is not available. We will be taking over the distribution of the clock ...
Review: Johanna's World

Review: Johanna's World

Johanna's World is all about the Norwegian pioneers at Norsewood. It is translated by Johan Bonnevie. The story is based on a true story about a...
What we have in the way of Māori Music...

What we have in the way of Māori Music...

We have a good range of Māori music. Our most popular would be the 25 Solid Gold Māori Songs. Included on this CD are songs: Haere Mai, Pōkareka...
Happy 2017

Happy 2017

Hi Everyone, Hope you all had a great Christmas  and New Year Holiday. We are back and all on board for the year. Having a break has refreshed us a...
Kōkako New Zealands Bird of The Year Giveaway

Kōkako New Zealands Bird of The Year Giveaway

The Kōkako was voted 2016 New Zealand Bird of The Year in the Forest and Birds- Bird of The Year , and and we thought that we would do a little gi...
NEW Simon Shuker Code Cracker: VOLUME 13 out now!!

NEW Simon Shuker Code Cracker: VOLUME 13 out now!!

Volume 13 of the Simon Shuker Code Cracker series is here at last! This is a very popular puzzle throughout New Zealand. It is daily in all of th...
Happy 2016!

Happy 2016!

Hi Everyone, Just wanted to say Hello and wish you all a Happy New Year. We have in stock at the moment all of the Simon Shuker Code Crackers from ...

Maori Bird Lore by Murdoch Riley

Hi Guys, Purchase a 'Maori Bird Lore' and receive 'Know Your New Zealand Birds' booklet in March. The 'Maori Bird Lore' is a beautiful bookfull o...